Pursuant to the North Carolina Innocence Inquiry Commission Rules and Procedures, Rule 12(B), the Commission will hold a meeting for public comment on Wednesday, December 6, 2023, from 10:30 AM-11:30 AM ET.  The following is an outline of the guidelines for the public comment meeting as determined by Commission Chair, Judge Thomas H. Lock.

The Commission will meet in person at the North Carolina Judicial Center.  Members of the public will be able to attend and/or speak in person or may join and/or speak via the WebEx link below.

NCIIC Public Comment Meeting

Wednesday, December 6, 2023 10:30 AM

Meeting number: 2481 808 8530

Password: suDHsc3Sr76

The public comment meeting will be limited to one hour.  Those wishing to comment may either: 1. Submit a written letter by 9:00 AM on Friday, 12/1/2023, not to exceed 3 pages, single-spaced, 12-pt. font which will be provided to the Commissioners for review OR 2. Sign up for a 10-minute time slot on the Commission’s website by 12:00 PM on Thursday, 11/30/2023 to make comments in person or via electronic means (WebEx).  Speakers will be determined on a first come, first serve basis based on time/date stamp on the electronic sign-up sheet linked below.  Should the Commission exceed 6 individuals who wish to speak (10 minutes per person for a maximum of 60 minutes), the Chair reserves the right to reduce the length of speaking time to accommodate all speakers or to require those individuals to instead submit a written letter.  If a written letter is required, those individuals will be notified by 5:00 PM on Thursday, 11/30/2023 and may submit a written letter by 9:00 AM on Monday, 12/4/2023.

The public comment meeting is a listening session only.  Speakers will not receive feedback from Commissioners during this meeting.  Any matters the Commission wishes to address based on the comments received will be discussed at a future Commission meeting to be set by the Commission’s Chair.  Should the Commissioners have any questions of the commenter, the Commission will reach out at a later date.

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Other Commission Business

  1. Commission Meetings. The Commission shall meet a minimum of once every six months. (N.C.G.S. 15A-1463(c). A Commission hearing shall be considered a meeting for purposes of meeting this statutory requirement. See Article 7, above, for further Rules regarding Commission hearings. The Commission may also meet more often at the call of the chair. Commission meetings may be held in person, by phone, or by other virtual means.
  2. One Meeting Per Year for Public Comment. The Commission Chair shall call one administrative meeting per year which shall allow for public comment.
    1. The date, time, and location for this meeting shall be published on the Commission's website at least 30 days prior to the meeting.
    2. The Commission’s Chair, working with the Commission’s Executive Director, shall make any such guidelines as are required to facilitate this meeting. These guidelines will be published at least 10 business days before the date of the meeting.
    3. The Commission may, at the call of the Chair, close the meeting after the time for public comment.
  3. Closed Proceedings. Except for Commission hearings as outlined in Article 7 above, and the public comment portion of a Commission meeting outlined in (B) above, all other proceedings and administrative meetings of the Commission are closed. The Commission shall meet at such time and place as designated by the Chair.
  4. Quorum. For Commission meetings other than Commission hearings as outlined in Article 7 above, a quorum is required. A majority of the members shall constitute a quorum. Alternate Commissioners will only be counted to meet quorum if the Commissioner for which they serve as alternate is unable to attend.
  5. Vote. All Commission votes shall be by majority vote. Alternate Commissioners will only be allowed to vote if the Commissioner for which they serve as alternate is unable to vote.
  6. Alternate Commissioners. If an alternate Commissioner is not required to attend or vote during a Commission meeting as outlined in (D) or (E) above, the alternate may still attend the meeting and participate in discussions at the discretion of the Chair.